The cave gaped open, the Door passed through.
The path was laid, the Way walked new.
In the dark of night, the Light broke in.
The Vine drank the cup all the way to the end.
The end was the beginning; The Word remade the world,
What He spoke, He became, a story to unfurl.
The Bread removed the yeast, The Reed remade the river.
The Lamb was the Priest; The Gift was the Giver.
Lazy man, stay. There is a Lion in the streets.
Boiled in mother’s milk; He hung upon a tree.
He became the dusty bones, then remade Adam again.
Son of God and Son of Man. How can it be? Tell me again.
The Last shall be First, Oh Firstborn from the Dead,
Hail, Sovereign Servant, our exalted Head!
Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant!
You are Life to the dead. Bring us out triumphant.